
Playful kiss episode 1 eng sub kissasian
Playful kiss episode 1 eng sub kissasian

playful kiss episode 1 eng sub kissasian

The dream sequence is admittedly very pretty to look at, but since we know it’s a fantasy from the very get-go, it does go on and on. Oh Ha-ni, waking from her latest crush-induced fantasy, races off as the bell rings. This time, she anticipates the kiss and purses her lips in readiness… When the girl wakes, she sees a white horse and follows it through the forest to another meadow, where the horse turns back into her mystery man. In the daydream, a handsome young man dressed all in white comes upon a sleeping girl, kisses her lightly, then walks away. The CG is exaggerated, but it has that overtly whimsical sensibility of Pushing Daisies or Big Fish - dreamy, romantic, and girlish. We open on a fantasy sequence, set in what looks like an enchanted meadow in a fairy tale. She remains firmly fixated on Seung-jo, however, and doesn’t spare Joon-gu much thought. While the boys can often be found jamming on musical instruments in between classes, Joon-gu spends a lot of his energies following Ha-ni around, trying to win her affections. Joon-gu and the boys are also residents of Class 7. He can usually be seen traveling en masse with his posse, the foursome played by rock band Bye Bye Sea who are identified simply as “Bong Joon-gu’s Boys.” The guy with the retro flipped-up hair is BONG JOON-GU ( Lee Tae-sung), a Busan boy with the thick accent to prove it. For now, all we know is that she’s a welcoming, cheerful mother with a lively sense of curiosity about her son’s life. His parents are perfectly friendly people, though, and his mother (GEUM-HEE, played by Jung Hye-young) will figure largely in our plot. Darcy but quite condescending to boot, looking down his nose at everyone, not bothering to hide that he finds them inferior. He’s not just the cold, logical type a la Mr. Alas, that intellectual perfection doesn’t come with a gracious personality. In fact, in the most recent exams, he scored a 500 out of 500. 1 class and isn’t merely the best student, but positively perfect. Together, the trio is a little bumbling, but good-hearted and loyal to one another.īAEK SEUNG-JO ( Kim Hyun-joong), on the other hand, is the complete opposite. Ha-ni’s best friends, also in the last-place class, are DOKKO MIN-AH ( Yoon Seung-ah) and JUNG JU-RI ( Hong Yoon-hwa). Prone to daydreaming, Ha-ni’s fantasies center around Seung-jo, a boy at school on whom she harbors a pretty strong crush. She grew up with a loving father who runs a noodle restaurant (her mother died when she was a child), and the two have an affectionate relationship. Our heroine is OH HA-NI ( Jung So-min), a not-so-bright student in her last year of high school, who’s in the last-place class (seventh of seven) of her year. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Īudio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. G.NA – “키스해줄래” (Will you kiss me?) from the Playful Kiss OST. But I think it started to find its groove later on - almost too late, really - and will hold onto that hope going into Episode 2. I can see where some viewers had issues with it, and I share those concerns. I had mixed feelings about this premiere: It wasn’t as good as I was hoping, but it wasn’t as bad as I feared. 264 SeptemJanuPlayful Kiss: Episode 1 by javabeans

Playful kiss episode 1 eng sub kissasian